Frodo (and Bilbo)

This is quite strange, I thought.

In the anamated Ralph Bakshi version of Lord of the Rings, the voice of Frodo is performed by Christopher Guard, who plays Marius in this version of Les Mis.

Also in this version of Les Mis is Ian Holm (playing Theanrdier) who also did the voice of Frodo for the audiobook dramatized version of Lord of the Rings. Now Ian Holm has played Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jacksons Movie Trilogy of Lord of the Rings.

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


In addition, the judge in one scene is William Squire, who played Gandalf in Bakshi's film!


Also you see people smoking pipes in BOTH films, spooky.


That's nothing - in the Bakshi film Aragorn and Boromir are voiced by John Hurt and Michael Graham-Cox, who also voiced Hazel and Bigwig in the animated film of Watership Down. This is especially spooky when you compare the relationships of these two pairs of characters...
