MovieChat Forums > Martin Discussion > Elyane Nadeau ????

Elyane Nadeau ????

Any one knew about Mrs. santini ......actress Elyane Nadeau biography she was the pretty woman who seduce martin

I tried to find about her career but i end up with nothing


Get the dvd; apparently, according to Romero, she had a habit of taking her clothing off, in films, so maybe a porn star (softcore?) like Al Levitsky (Lewis, the big guy in the house assault sequence).


I have a hard time believing she did any kind of porn. Elyane Nadeau as Abbie Santini was one of the best portrayals of a frustrated housewife I've seen in any genre of film.
Not that she wasn't sexy, and not that you can tell much from a single performance, but she didn't seem like the type who would get into porn. What do I know?...I guess I need to pick up the recent DVD release and see what Romero says.

By the way, I think Romero himself gives the best male performance in Martin! A shame they didn't act more.

The question of what ever happened to Elyane Nadeau remains unanswered from my perspective. I was sad to hear she died in 2005(born May of 1945).

If in fact Ms. Nadeau did do some kind of "sexy stuff" films, does anyone know what assumed name she might have been performing under? There doesn't appear to be any other information online about her, beyond pictures.


She was definitely in more than just Martin, of that I'm sure. She has a brief role as a Twiggy parody character called ‘Wiggy’ in the 1968 comedy 'The Party', where she is billed as 'Elianne Nadeau'. It's likely she is also 'Eliane Nadeau' who played Burt Reynolds' love interest in one episode of the 1966 TV series 'Hawk'. I guess the slightly different spellings of her name, is why these other performances have gone under the radar.

During the making of Martin she was dating a guy called Ben Barenholtz who owned the Elgin Theater in NYC, which helped kick off the 'midnight movie' phenomenon. Barenholtz was an uncredited producer on Martin, and mentor to Richard Rubinstein.

As to her life after appearing in Martin ...I've discovered she had a job designing print advertisments for a newspaper in Maryland around 1998/99. It's been alleged that she lied about her qualifications in order to get the job and may have later faked an injury. She remains the source of- how can I put this- mixed feelings among the newspaper's staff, on one occasion reducing one of them to tears, although another pointed out "while the interaction with her wasn't always positive, don't get me wrong- I think she had a big heart that just hurt a lot inside". Co-workers remember her being proud of her former acting career, but perhaps not so much of Martin, "she wouldn't tell us the name of it".
