MovieChat Forums > Martin Discussion > romero's best film

romero's best film

better then all the dead films, in my opinion. i think some people who aren't into romero's other stuff might like this film.



yeah, he was incredible in the film. i can't believe the luck romero had in finding him. it's his most visually striking film too.


Well, it's a very good movie, but I like slasher movies, so "Martin" can't be one of my favourite!


I assume you are talking about John Amplass...this was a role he was born to do!
Shame Martin never rose from the grave for a sequel!




I also think KnightRiders is a very good movie that often gets overlooked.

Adam Beck


I would agree that Martin is one of his better films. I'd rank it just below the Dead series and Monkey Shines. Definitely a (razor blade) cut above the rest.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth



#1 Dawn of the Dead
#2 Creepshow
#3 Martin
#4 Land of the Dead
#5 KnightRiders
#6 Creepshow 2
#7 Tales from the Darkside: The Movie
#8 Day of the Dead
#9 Bruiser
#10 The Dark Half
#11 Monkey Shines
#12 Night of the Living Dead
#13 The Crazies

I love all of his movies but if I had to rank them, this would probably be my list. I've never seen "Hungry Wives" aka "Season of the Witch"...I guess that's the only film I haven't seen that he actually wrote and directed.

The Crazies could've been one of his best films ever but the budget was really low and I just didn't like how the movie ended. "KnightRiders" is one of those films that I certainly didn't think I'd like but after watching, it ended up being one of my favorite films of his just because it's something different then what you're used to seeing with Romero. "Martin" is a great film too that usually gets overlooked.

Adam Beck


I dont understand how you could possibley like Land Of The Dead if youre a fan of the earlier films in the series.

back on subject, yes Martin is a really brilliant film. i probably like Dawn Of The Dead more, but this is a close second.


Please, don't argue that here. Theres 500 other boards arguing the same point over at the LotD boards. Any true fan of Romero likes Land of the Dead, fact.

And either way, here's my list:

-Dawn of the Dead
-Day of the Dead
-Land of the Dead
-The Crazies

"You are the Duke of New York! You are A # 1!"


1. Martin
2. Night of the Living Dead
3. Dawn of the Dead
4. Day of the Dead
5. Land of the Dead
6. The Crazies

imo anyway


any true fan can recognize when a franchize has been soiled... dont speak for the rest of us.


yeah really. land of the dead was terrible. Visually it looked like any hollywood action film, the music score was horrid, the "political subtext" was obvious and heavy handed, a zombie capable of cognitive thought WHAT THE *beep*



How in the hell could anyone rank Night of the Living Dead below Martin. Martin is a bore and completely incomprehensible film. It's total crap. You want a list???? Here it is.

1. Dawn of the Dead
2. Night of the Living Dead

Everything else sucked. Sorry but search your feelings, you know it's true.


Nice that you seem to think that you can decide what a "true fan" has to think .... too bad you're 100% wrong.





I thought The Crazies was awesome!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


First off, I hated Land of the Dead.

Second, I think Martin is his 3rd best film after Night and Dawn. Day was 4th, and pretty much everything else he did isn't worth watching.

-The Dark Half- sucked
-The Crazies- mediocre
-Knightriders- sucked except for the fact that it showed Patricia Tallman's boobs
-Season of the Witch- Really, really freaking sucked

George, I love you for the few good films you have done, but, let's face it dude, I think you know those films sucked too.

George would probably admit to it if he was shot with that truth serum from Kill Bill vol.2.





As much as I hate to admit it, I've only seen LOTD once. In theaters. I still haven't bought it on dvd. And, true, DrGonzzo says it best.

"Lookie! Built you a little fry house!''



Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead


top 5:

1) martin
2) dawn
3) night
4) creepshow
5) day

who the hell listed creepshow 2 as one of his films?? :/

anyway, martin is brilliant... by far his best


its close.

i think NOTLD is still the best.

MARTIN would be my second favorite romero film.


I actually had to turn this movie off after 30 minutes b/c I was so *beep* bored. This can't even be called a movie compared to Romero's other masterpieces i.e. Dawn of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead. I used to think Day of the Dead was Romero's worst movie, although its average compared to other movies, but Martin was horrible. Before all you Martin/Romero fans call me a troll etc., it's my opinion and it doesn't mean anymore then you saying that it's a great movie. Settle down.

- Seth Gecko


Martin is such a cool movie and one of Romero's best in my opinion. Heres how i would rank his films.

Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Night of the Living Dead
The Crazies
Season of the Witch
Monkey Shines
The Dark Half
Land of the Dead
Two Evil Eyes (The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdermar)
There's Always Vanilla


2:Day of the dead
3:Night of the living dead
5:Dawn of the dead

I once had a large gay following..... but I ducked into an alleyway and lost him



I personally feel that MArtin is Romero's third best film behind only Dawn and Night. I didn't really mind the deliberate pacing of this film because it seemed essential to the message that the film was trying to convey (ie sexual insecurity juxtaposed against a dying steel town). The one area of the film that I did find to be a little weak was the shootout sequence. It just really didn't feel as if it was in keeping with the tone of the rest of the film. It injected a faster pace into the climactic moments of the film, but I just didn't feel that it was in character with what we had come to expect from Martin's actions.

Although I hesitate to debate the merits of Land of the Dead here, I just can't resist. I freely admit that it was inferior to the original trilogy in every technical way. That does not mean, however, that it is fair to trash the film. When compared to the other zombie films of its era(Dawn of the Dead remake, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, etc.) it is head and shoulders above that derivative garbage. I didn't like all of George's choices in Land myself, but he is the father of the genre and has been making these films for 40 years. If he feels that he wants to try something new, either to remain relevant or to keep himself interested in making more zombie films, then I say he has earned the right. Moreover, anyone who knows how hard he worked to find a way to make Land and how close he came to never getting to do it at all should just be thankful that we got another zombie film from the maestro.

At this point, it would appear that he went the low budget route with Diary of the Dead, and I have heard mixed things about it. I am hoping for the best, and can't wait to see it. George is great on so many levels. He is clearly a visionary film maker who would rather do things his way than cash in for studio credibility. Admittedly, some of his films were a little too ambitious for the means that he had at his disposal to make them, but he deserves credit for not taking the easy road, and for making so many masterpieces. Not to mention, when you hear the guy talk, he is just an excited horror film fan. He sees the whole thing about the way that we do, and talent aside, he is just like any one of us would be if offered the opportunity to make a film of our own. I say good for him.


I agree, and further - maybe it wasn't intended, but what i got out of this film was commentary on how we(the audience)interpret horror violence similar to the point of the film FUNNY GAMES.

My viewing experience went something like this:
Ah! Martin is one of those immortal, vampires that craves blood? wait could he be just some misguided serial killer rapist that drinks his victims blood? Wait..whats the difference really!? Is there really something Romantic about a vampire? hmmmm

Kind of choppy writing, but I hope you get my point.
