MovieChat Forums > Magic (1978) Discussion > Someone PLEASE clarify the ending line!

Someone PLEASE clarify the ending line!

Well the first time I saw this movie was on AMC a couple of weeks ago. I loved it. So i recently ordered the DVD online. Anyway, I just got it in the mail. I was watching it, comparing what I saw on TV with what is actually in the movie, like what scenes were taken out to make it appropriate for TV and what the characters really say and all that jazz. One change they made for the TV version that I liked was changing the line "brains as well as boobs" to "brains as well as a body" ... anyway at the very end of the movie on the TV version, Peggy ends the movie by walking towards the cabin and then tossing up the wooden heart. and it ends. However in the DVD version it's just a little different. It ends with her walking towards the cabin and it shows her looking at the heart. Then she says some extremely high pitched and freakishly creepy. It made me jump not only because i wasn't expecting it but because of how weird she sounded. If someone could pleeease tell me what the heck she said i would much appreciate it. At first I thought there was something wrong with my DVD… but I don’t think there is. Someone help me! XD


I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. It sounds to me like Peggy is mimicking Fats' voice...I'll have to watch it again to see exactly what she said.
*update* Okay...I just watched it. She says (in that creepy pseudo-Fats voice)"You may not get this oppor-*bleeping*-tunity tomorrow".

I hope you can see this, because I'm doing it as hard as I possibly can


Haha ^_^ ok good, I'm not the only person who noticed this. i thought i was going crazy, teehee. Thanks for helping me out!

Now if someone could please tell me WHY the heck she said it the way she did the mystery would be completely solved. XD If that is supposed to be an imitation of Fats… its horribly bad. XD My first thought was that she temporarily went freaking crazy but that really doesn’t make sense. I thought that because of the WAY she said what she did… yup, it still freaks me out!


I think she said it that way to MOCK Fats, because he was basically her competition-(not that Fats was real or that she thought he was real)--kind if like a women getting jealous of a car or something...


I've never been jealous of a car... but i get what you mean. XD


Don't mean to disrespect JM (I'm now assuming you're female-) Some PEOPLE just feel threated by third parties., (like a dummy!) wheter or not they are actually human! I just think that AM was just having fun and saying "if you can;t beat;m join'em" and was then going to jump AH bones. But little did she know....


no I understand what you’re saying. I agree.

haha. aw. Whenever I watch the movie I always think about what I would have done if I found Cork in the cabin. ... I probably would have started to look for Duke... But that wouldn’t have really helped anything. Haha. XD


I have both read the book and seen the movie...but I saw it on TV. I really want to hear her say that! Man, she doesn't get Corky or Duke...bummer.

"It's like killing two birds with one stone,except killing five people with one semi automatic"


How different is the movie from the book? Which do you like better? I've considered reading the book but I’m in the middle of The Silence of the Lambs and a few other books. I always have a hard time finishing books… watching movies is so much easier. Haha XD


The movie actually follows the book quite well. I was surprised. I really liked the book, I read almost all of it in one day. Personally, I would say it is very worth reading. The first 20 pages move kind of slowly, but only because you're getting Corky's history.

"It's like killing two birds with one stone,except killing five people with one semi automatic"


I find it very upsetting when I hear films are being played on AMC. They used to run them uncut, but many years ago, started running edited versions. Great lines of film history are being endlessly butchered by AMC.

They changed the line "Give me the keys you f'ing *beep* from Usual Suspects to: "Give me the keys, you fairy godmother."

Just awful.

It seems like the AMC version of Magic just ends with Peg throwing the heart up in the air. Lame.


Do you mean the AMC version ends without any voice over while she throws the heart, or just that the heart thing isn't even there?

Because I remember seeing it in the theaters back then, and I own the DVD now, and that IS how it ends.

So what did AMC cut?



JM and JT

yes it is a jealously thing but more to the point, remember earlier (I was just rewatching this movie yesterday so remembered it well and it's at about the 46 minute point) when Peg and Corky are walking back to Peg and Duke's (her husband's) house hand-in-hand after having sex in Corky's cabin ...

Corky says, "Let's you and me take off, just us. You don't care for Duke and you know it."
Peg: "I dump Duke and you'd leave Fats. That's your offer?'
Corky: "Yeah, just say the word and we'll go."

Bingo ... right there you have it ... she's certainly treating "them" (Corky and Fats) as a couple just as Corky is treating Peg and Duke as a couple ... so yes, Peg's going to show jealously for Fats ...

and that last line is a real spine-tingler isn't it? and I agree with other opinions voiced that it's a very mocking imitation of Fats ... the whole putting 'fu**ing' into the middle of another word is something Fats does a few times in the movie so Peg is mocking him and his 'style' or whatever you want to call it ...

but if Anne Margaret ever made that voice even if i was alone with her and about to have the luckiest night of my life, i'd turn tail and run lol ... very creepy lol ...

like the cutaway shots of Fats sitting on the sofa in Corky's cabin as we see the blanket moving on the bed as Corky and Peg are having sex behind him ... we see his face and the 'action' going on behind him ... and that face ... the look on his face ... i know it's not changing, i know it's just like a standard posed face as if Corky simply set Fats down there BUT jeez-louise you gotta almost swear that face is changing as he is is 'listening' to Corky 'CHEATING' on him ... that's what's happening at bottom, right? they're a couple ... and Corky is cheating right in the next room ... not even having a door to close between them ... wow, that was a scary part and even tho we get to have a very nice look at Ann Margaret, there is quite a bucket of ice water tossed in my lap at least thinking of Fats out in the other room and what's going thru HIS MIND lmao...

that is how good this movie is ... really it is still a very creepy and intense movie ... i think kids these days would really get a fright out of it ... there's not much sex in it and just a nice shot of Ms. Margaret's breast is about the extent of the nudity ... not sure exactly what it would be rated these days

as for THE BOOK, it is excellent as well and is very close ... since it's written by William Goldman and he also wrote the screenplay, I'm guessing in many ways as he wrote the book he saw it as a movie, or pictured the scenes as a screenplay and vice versa ... with his enormous amount of experience in screenplay and novel writing they seem to flow very well ... so developing one of his novels into a screenplay i'd guess would be a smoother process than with other writers ... but just a guess ...

Goldman's novels, generally speaking, are as high quality as his screenplays ... "Marathon Man" comes immediately to mind as one of his novels that was stunning imho ... and the movie came off stunning as well imho ...

has to be the greatest screenwriter of all time for my money ... quite a list of movies under his entry in imdb ... and i've read there are hundreds of uncredited fix-it jobs that saved many another movie as well ...



Haha ^_^ ok good, I'm not the only person who noticed this. i thought i was going crazy, teehee. Thanks for helping me out!

Now if someone could please tell me WHY the heck she said it the way she did the mystery would be completely solved. XD If that is supposed to be an imitation of Fats… its horribly bad. XD My first thought was that she temporarily went freaking crazy but that really doesn’t make sense. I thought that because of the WAY she said what she did… yup, it still freaks me out!

she is continuing what she thinks is a game that Corky "played" when he left the heart. It was only moments after he left the heart and stabbed himself unbeknownst to her. It was her attempt at trying to be cute. (six years later, but hope it helps.)

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


I know Fats wasn't possessed either, but it seems like he is. For example: Did anyone notice when Fats's eyes moved on their own? It was when Fats was telling Corky to jump around and smile/frown ect. When Corky gets up, Fats's eyes follow him, even though there is no one there to manipulate his levers.

"It's like killing two birds with one stone,except killing five people with one semi automatic"


I just watched this and I felt the last scene was a kind of "twist". My interpretation was based on the whole card trick. "Touching each other's hearts via the power of love". Sap, yes, but a major theme- the wooden heart is a bash over the metaphorical dome. Touching hearts...Just like between Fats and AHop. Their hearts were one in the same, eye to eye, AKA schizo. Or was it? This Doppleganger-ed kind of relationship started to happen between Peg and Ahop, forcing a kind of tug of war, or so it appears. She makes references to "If I'm the prize, then you are the winner." He's the winner either way, my friends.

Peg and Fats are in cahoots.

I thought that last line was some kind of allusion to the fact that Peggy was behind it all... had seen Ahop on TV getting famous and all that, while she sat home eating ice cream and touching herself when The Duke was out hunting buffalo. And she pulled some kind of voodoo curse on his doll, or maybe it was always cursed.... I mean maybe she gave him the wood (I mean, she obviously gave him wood, but ya know...) He NEVER talked crazy with his schizo doll until he arrived at the lake- at least on screen- right? She had his wooden heart all along, like a Siren on the shore of his hometown lake.... and when she was done and finished with Duke she called him back via her voodoo doll and afflicted him with her love potion, sending him into a love-driven craze. Time to choose between the chick and his career. There is no choice, but an illusion of choice. She's testing him. You notice I used both -llusions in that fact.

We only see it as "crazy- you've been like this all along- haven't you?" once Mickey comes in and says that. We never thought that until he said, "Put down the doll, Rocko!" I think this is bull. An old cranky man is who has determined how we see this situation. Shut up Mick.

She's just doing what chicks do- drive men nuts for them and their big boobs. She even says it right before the end, "You know us women, I might just change my mind." But it's too late for them both, she lost him by her little Santeria voodoo *beep*

Nugget 1: When he comes to the house, she doesnt even look out the window to see who is there, all you hear is the voice. Cause she already knows who is there. It's her prodigal wooden puppet, returned.

Nugget 2: Her overreaction to the card trick being phony is too hammy. Like she is trying way too hard to convince him that HE DID SOMETHING WRONG. All part of her voodoo spells.

Nugget 3: The history of voodoo has always revolved around CONTROLLING DOLLS, and people in general. Fact. I use Weekend At Bernies 2 as a reference material. If anybody says that AHop ain't a metaphoric doll in tis flick, shoot me in the face.

Nugget 4: Why do we see no "Genesis of the Doll" snippet? Merlin dies, saying "you gotta get pizazz" or some crap like that, next scene he is semi famous with his silly doll. Where did it come from? Did he always have it? In the first scene with Merlin we see a doll in the background, but it ain't Fats. He carved a wooden heart as a child, in some lame flashback. Did he carve a doll too? Maybe Peggy carved it with her talons? Or maybe she sucked the blood from a regular dude, and left nothing but a wooden carcass? She's a succubus.

Of course, my theory loses weight when you consider that his adamant refusal of the physical (physical- not mental!), it was what drove him away. Who knows, maybe he just had horribly bloody embarrassing leaking hemmorhoids.

Of course, I create my own stories in my head cause most movies are just boring as-is. Kind of my own little Neverland where we take balloon rides at dawn and huff paint for breakfast.

Will somebody pick up my wooden heart because it needs sandin'.

And if anybody comes out saying "he's bitter against women" and that I'm reading into that too much, let me say this: Women rule the earth because most of them are the kindest beasts alive. Men are sociopaths. Women: the fem-crazies ruin it hardcore. I dated a few. I'm luckily married to an absolute saint who I torture with late night escapades such as this post. She doesn't deserve a bum like me. I'm just saying, this story is about a succubus and the deeds that a succubus can cause. To come completely full circle, I also think Adrian from Rocky (full circle- both have have Mickey) is the greediest self-righteous wench that the medium of cinematic film has ever seen. "You can't win!" Bite it, Ade.


I think Corky is just plain nuts and Ann Magret is totally oblivious to how sick he really is. She is having a sort of mid life crisis being unhappily married to Duke and sees Corky as a chance to salvage happiness in her life. But then again I should probably watch this movie again as I haven't seen it in a long time.


And if anybody comes out saying "he's bitter against women" and that I'm reading into that too much, let me say this: Women rule the earth because most of them are the kindest beasts alive.

You seem to know already that you sound as though you hate women. So you quickly reassure us that you adore them. Both are true when you have a Love/Hate relationship with women. Don't be afraid to admit the hatred.

Women: the fem-crazies ruin it hardcore. I dated a few. I'm luckily married to an absolute saint who I torture with late night escapades such as this post. She doesn't deserve a bum like me.

You've super-imposed your own life upon the film's story. And why not? You're almost as crazy as Corky. You admit you dated a few succubi yourself -- maybe just one queen succubus and a minor minion or two. However many it was, they've certainly put quite the hex on you; Either by making you believe you're not good enough for your wife or rendering you incapable of trust.

Nugget 2: Her overreaction to the card trick being phony is too hammy. Like she is trying way too hard to convince him that HE DID SOMETHING WRONG. All part of her voodoo spells.

Unless Fats was lying to sabotage their relationship, Corky did do something wrong. He toyed with her heart - suckered her into believing they shared just the kind of psychic "heart-mind connection" garbage that women love to believe. Usually men just use the old "No Way!You love Puccini's Turandot too!?" while smiling warmly into her eyes. When women wake up the next morning and find the man has not only fled the scene, but has left them a bogus phone number as well, they can be very upset. Corky has a much better mechanism, and therefore a much more hurtful reveal. In this case, Corky really does love Peg, but trying to trick her into loving him back is wrong indeed.

Corky has spent at least two years with Fats when he runs off. Merlin's death left him isolated enough to give to Fats that part of Corky's personality we glimpse during his tirade after bombing at the club. Because Fats can get away with saying things Corky cannot, Corky gradually transfers his Lust, Rage, Cruelty -- his Id -- into Fats. The very reason Corky runs off is the fear that it will be discovered, as Fats puts it, that 'They' are "special"; thus ruining his chance not with his career, but with Peggy.

I hope you know I'm not trying to judge you. To some extent, it takes one to know one. The White Knight is to a woman as The Kind-Hearted Beauty is to a man; Pure Fantasy.



Just WOW!

Seriously, your post is a TOTAL trip mate!!!

LOVE it!

I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!


Fats is definitely alive. I don't know how it could be interpreted any differently after AM's final line.


Well, how does the book end? Does it help or hinder comprehension of the ending of the film?


Fats is NOT alive. His "indepedent " movements are all in Corky's tortured mind. What makes the story scary and sad ,to paraphrase another poster, is realizing the evil is not supernatural but comes from within Corky.


for a split personality story with 2 people - not 1 human and 1 dummy - watch Mr Brooks.... same arguments like "how'd he pick up the paper if he's in his head? he's not real! he's not there!"
if the main character is crazy & we, the audience, are seeing what the main character's seeing - then the main character imagined the 'crazy split personality' picking up the paper, moving by itself (if it's an inanimate object).. etc

that's how these types of movies/films work.
the ending like, i do agree, has to be Ann Margaret's character not being able to beat 'em, so she joined 'em. she sorta likes Fats, even though Fats & Corky are "in it together"....
she probably agreed with the semi-sweet stuff Fats was saying while she was in bed refusing to open the door to him...
besides - one of the sub-genre categories this movie was given was romance.... soooooo yeah lol
there's a semi-romantic tilt on some stuff. so watch out! lol


The book ends (and begins, actually) the same as the movie, except without Peg's mocking Fats-esque line.

Fats sends Corky to kill Peg. He doesn't. He stands outside her door with a wooden heart (and knives) trying to lure her into coming out. Weird thing is, he talks to her through the door AS FATS, to try to "clear up" the situation. It's kind of a reversal in a way, that the Fats personality is finally being kind and understanding right before Corky kills himself.

Anyway, he leaves the heart outside the door. Stabs himself in the stomach and goes back to the cabin. Fats and Corky die. Peg thinks about the apology and explanation that Fats just gave her, and decides to get dressed and go down to the cabin and tell Corky she will indeed run off with him.

The book ends there. However, the very first page is a kind of call-forward about an old, unrelated hunter hunting around Lake Melody in the dark. He hears a horrifying scream coming from one of the cabins and steels himself to go down and investigate it. The story proper starts immediately after this.


Thanks for the book information! :)


so i just watched the movie and was wondering the same seemed weird to me that Peg was so into Corky when he was doing tricks and yelling at her. and she was somehow into that? in the end she said something like Corky im sorry ive changed my mind ill run off with you then "you might not have this oppurtunity tommorrow" in a strange corkylike voice. i have three theories. 1.she was simply pretening to talk like fats.
2.she was also a schizoid which kinda explains why she was so into corky and his weirdness, she is very good at hiding it but
3.fats now lives in her mind

my first thought was number 2 but number 1 just seems more likely. number three i came up with last not likely at all but woud be interesting.


You know what REALLY adds to the weirdness with this last line...?

Look closely, and you'll notice (or at least I THOUGHT I did) that what she is saying is TOTALLY out of sync with what you hear. It LOOKS like she is saying something COMPLETELY different!

So, did they dub in something different from what she originally was supposed to say or what the screenplay had called for? Did they change it? Or is the dubbing in of the high voice simply not done well where it LOOKS like she is saying something different?

THAT weirded me out almost as much as the line itself...

I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!


The high pitched voice she was using was supposed to be her mocking Fats, the dummy!


