MovieChat Forums > Magic (1978) Discussion > AMC Showed Heavily Edited Version

AMC Showed Heavily Edited Version

I hadn't seen "Magic" in some time so decided to watch it when it came on the AMC channel. I assumed AMC (American Movie Classics) edited movies for nudity and language, but nothing more. Boy was I wrong. Important minutes had been shaved from MANY of the scenes, and I assume simply to squeeze in more advertising. I normally don't watch feature films on "regular" TV channels for this very reason, but thought AMC was different, given its name. But I couldn't believe how badly AMC crippled this movie. The motives and actions of the main characters seem inexplicable because of the heavy cuts, rendering the film nearly unwatchable. Shame on you, AMC.



I remember when AMC had little to no commercials. where every movie that was shown was an actual classic film. now everything is shown in Letterbox with ads plastered everywhere. and as you mentioned the obnoxious commercial breaks and cuts to the movie being shown. it's a shame really. AMC used to be great.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~


i've also seen that AMC edit and really, considering that AMC likes to consider themselves these coniseurs of movies, etc, and then they take that 'classic' movie and cut it to ribbons ... first off, if you stand there and do their little talk about how classic the movie they're about to show is then show the movie ... but if you have that much trouble with the swearing in a movie, don't show it ... it would be like showing the godfather movies and cutting out all the swearing and violence ... they are no longer classic films at that point ... they are about the equivalent of Ted Turner's buying the MGM films and colorizing the black and white ones ... if that's all the respect you have for the movie, then please, let someone who will respect the film have it so it can be protected from boneheads like AMC and Turner ...

i wonder what they would do with a George Carlin concert film where he does 'The Seven Words you can't say on Radio or Television'

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt


Yep. Right on the money. I couldn't agree more. The channel is long overdue for a re-branding...or something. However there should definitely be an outlet on cable for the broadcast of "classic" movies, from eras preceding home video, like the 1970s on back. Uncut, commercial free movies that do not appear on HBO, Showtime, etc. should be made available, otherwise viewers are only searching for titles they have at least read or heard about, rather than presenting good films that have traditionally been ignored or overlooked. I like being surprised sometimes.


I don't have cable so maybe I'm clueless, but I don't get it. Why would there be commercials on cable...aren't you paying for it, thus no need for commercials? Sounds like AMC is double-dipping.


That's why I refuse to pay for TV...worthless channels that have 25% commercial content. I'd rather pay for internet.

**these go to eleven **


Same here. I don't have cable, just internet.



They have always done this, I don't know why you'd be surprised about them doing it to this movie.
