Age differences

Susan Sarandon plays Eric Roberts' mother, despite being a mere 10 years older than him. And as children, Eric Roberts' and Brooke Shields' characters are close in age, but as adults, Eric is nine years older.

Regardless, I was willing to suspend disbelief because of the strong performances here, particularly by Mr. Roberts.


When you consider the gypsy culture it's probably not that strange. You hear about gypsy girls being married at the age of ten - maybe that's what happened to Susan Sarandon's character and she had him right afterwards.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Married and birthing as young as 10? Wow! I guess it happens, if the Daily Mail is to be believed: -girl-10-Spain-13-year-old-boy.html

If that's the case, this film is even more believable.


There was a case somewhere in S America about 70-100 years ago where a 6 year old gave birth to a healthy boy, cesarian of course.


Within the last month or so, a Brazilian 10-yr old girl gave birth to a child, but the male involved was her stepfather...

I also recall reading an article about a 4-yr old girl in India giving birth several years back. As was the case with Brazil's 10-yr old, an older man was the father, ("unauthorized", repeat molestation/rape as well), and they were reportedly being raised as siblings.


Yeah same thing with the 6 year old. At first they didn't know who the father was, eventually they suspected her father. Her child was raised as her sibling as well.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
