
People are covered in them these days, so they wouldn't be copied convincingly if this was remade now...right?



"People are covered in them these days, so they wouldn't be copied convincingly if this was remade now...right?"

I think the tattoos could be copied convincingly. There was that upset woman at Kibner's book party talking about how her husband wasn't her husband, but an imposter. Yet the imposter still had the same scar. A pod shouldn't have any problem duplicating the fancy pattern of a tattoo any more than a scar, freckles or pimples.

They might even be able to duplicate piercings. In the original novel, there was mention of a pod that duplicated an old tin can.


The scar is technically a part of the body but a tattoo is a foreign object (ink) in the body that is not the same thing. My clothing is not part of my body either.

If another remake is done (I read that Quentin Tarintino is working on one) the "rules" concerning snatching should be more strictly defined.
