The screaming

The screaming in this movie from the pods completely ruined every scene it was in.


100% disagree.




What confuses me is this: They copy the attributes of their victims and humans cannot make a sound like that so if they evolved to copy the DNA of other life forms how can they do that? They do not even know drifting through space what kind of life forms they will take over and not all physical bodies in the univese would be capable of making that noise.


"They do not even know drifting through space what kind of life forms they will take over and not all physical bodies in the univese would be capable of making that noise."

True, humans can't make that high-pitched screeching sound that pod people make. When drifting through space, the spores make a whistling, hooting kind of noise. On the other hand, maybe the screeching is just a new "survival adaptation" that the pod people have only begun to use since they've been on Earth? Human vocal cords can't produce that sound, but we don't really know what the inside of a pod person's throat looks like.

Has anyone wondered why, when a person in a horror story is possessed, their voice changes?


They're not straight up clones of humans, otherwise they wouldn't be able to replicate stuff like hair styles and injuries. It's superficial recreation done at the atomic level.


Another thing--if the pods were able to duplicate any life form, and duped a human who was energetic, capable of love, hate, envy, humor, then the cloned human would or should have all those attributes. So it's not a true replication--there is an intelligence existing somewhere within the cloned human that realizes it is a clone that has taken over and must destroy real humans in order to survive.


"So it's not a true replication--there is an intelligence existing somewhere within the cloned human that realizes it is a clone that has taken over and must destroy real humans in order to survive."

Exactly. It's only a physical duplication - what can be seen on the surface. If a pod had duplicated someone with cancer, I don't think the clone would have had cancer cells as well.


INTERESTING, something never addressed is if someone got body snatched who had a terminal illness like cancer unless the pod ALSO had it that would arouse INCREDIBLE suspicion. If AIDS and CANCER and other terminally ill people all kept getting mysteriously and miraculously "cured" and to boot suffered major personality changes that would be huge news and the news would spread fast.


Jeff Goldblum's character got a bloody nose and so did the clone. Explain.


"Jeff Goldblum's character got a bloody nose and so did the clone. Explain."

When making a clone of Jack, the pod would have "assumed" a bleeding nose was a natural part of Jack's appearance, and so faithfully copied it.

It's like when someone forges a painting, they'll also copy the little flaws and imperfections (faded colour, cracked pigment) that appear in the original picture. The original Jack has a bleeding nose, so the clone has to have blood coming out of its nose too. Or something that at least looks like blood. Pods do have a red fluid in them.


Thus the clone would have cancer because it does not know that cancer is an abnormality. Unless there is some intelligence when it is still a pod and only concerned with outward appearance like a bloody nose. Or if someone had skin cancer that was visible.


Yes, I was thinking of outward appearance.

Using the forged painting example again, the forger makes a faithful copy of an original, but won't necessarily use the exact same materials. It's the surface appearance, and its ability to fool people, that matters.

A skin cancer on a pod person only needs to look like a skin cancer, not actually be one. According to the original novel, the pod clones only live for five years. They weren't "built to last", so to speak.
