Extremely boring!

I just watched it for the first time. The film bored me to tears. "Invaders From Mars" was better.

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon


That's nice.


ahhh kids and their need for music video like editing to hold their attention...


Tell me about it. I'll take static shots and well done suspense over that Rob Zombie style stuff anyday. The shaky cam, gritty, washed out stuff was fun at first but it's been played out to death.


Exactly what I was thinking. The "saw" generation. What? I have to imagine suspense. No way!


There's a difference between suspense and nothing happening.


LOL! The 50s version was better.


I agree with you, altough I could elaborate much more than you did lol.

My Completely Biased Top 250 Favorite Movies


But you don't lol.



Well, it's definitely devoid of action. It's more of an atmospheric flick that deals with subtleties and suggestion instead of excitement. Either you like it or you don't.



I think your youth does show~~simba(?!). For instance: Which version do you prefer of "Invaders from Mars"? I'd imagine that it is the inferior remake with Karen Black and son, not the original film from the Fifties. You likely aren't aware that there are two versions.

As for "extremely boring": We have to be grateful we do not have your mentality and can appreciate this remarkable movie, which I happen to be watching right now for the "nth" time.

BTW: I also love the original b&w version, which I grew up with. Also, I don't mind the Nineties version, which comes across as a true sequel, with the invasino progressing. As for the worthless "The Invasion"... I'd rather not talk about that thing.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***



Gotta agree with your thoughts on this eerie and creepy original film. Maybe as kids we had not seen a film with this level of unsettling until the late 1950s. I still remember the look of the pods in the greenhouse and the body on the pool table when I first saw it and my psyche has not been the same since!

"From the desert to the sea, to all of Southern California, a good evening."


If this movie bored you, I don't ever want to meet you.....


Maybe the OP is a pod person devoid of emotion and just can't appreciate how fantastic this movie is?


Soon enough, you'll agree with him too...




I personally don't know how anyone can label this film boring

You're kidding, right? This is a dull remake of a good movie.

