A Movie for Weirdos

I don't see how anybody in their right mind could like something this horrible. Bad Story, Bad Actors, Disgusting Ideas, Evil, Putrid, Creepy. That's all I think of when I remember this movie. I didn't choose to watch it, I saw it in a film class. Worst movie I've ever seen. Don't watch it if you haven't seen it yet.

Oh yeah, and this movie is evil for killing innocent animals in its production. Ugh, what a bad movie!!!




......i disagree.



You're an idiot.





This is one of the best, most moving, pulsing and captivating films I have ever seen. Dark? Absolutely. But because of how important it was for Fassbinder to tell this story, the whole thing has this legitimate cutting energy, as if the film itself were some sort of sharp object or butcher's tool thats torturing it's creators.

Absolutely unforgettable. Dont listen to the nit wit that posted this.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead." R.W. Fassbinder


On one hand, it's great that Fassbinder is being taught in film schools. On another, it's a shame he's wasted on such moronic students.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!



Well put, wolfrider. My sentiments exactly.

+ the more 'evil' and 'putrid' a film the better it fares with me.


[Well put, wolfrider. My sentiments exactly.]

Thank you. Of course I know quite a few philosophy professors who use Fassbinger's films as springboards for discussion. So his films do get shown academically, just perhaps not in film classes (which nowadays are really just havens of mediocrity).

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!


