MovieChat Forums > Halloween (1978) Discussion > Scared for the future of this film

Scared for the future of this film

I absolutely love this movie, and I try to watch it at least once a year during October. For the past few years, I have gone to screenings where the audience has been laughing and making fun of the movie. I used to think this movie holds up well and always would, but it feels like newer audience members just aren't amused/amazed/enchanted by this gem. It scares and annoys me to think that Halloween could eventually fall into the "good for its time" category. I always wanted this to be considered "timeless." Had a similar experience with Alien as well. Thoughts?


I'm not particularly bothered with its legacy at this point. I know what the movie means to me, that's all that matters from my perspective.

But yeah, I'd hate to see this movie in theaters with a bunch of text-happy, ADD-riddled teens.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


That's how I see it too. As long as I like it I could care less if the teens of today view it as a laugh fest.

I saw The Exorcist on the big screen back in 2002 and teens were laughing at it. Hell, they could play Three Guys One Hammer on the big screen and I'm sure there are teens that would laugh at that.

Don't call it a comeback. I've been here for years.



After seeing it 4 times in theaters from 2000 to 2014, I'm not too hurt it's not making the rounds here this year. That's enough. Not to mention owning several versions and seeing them whenever I want. It's legacy is firm. Introducing it to this new generation is tricky, as expectations are higher and attention spans shorter. Some don't see it as a 1978 film. They want it to fit 2016 standards. Not possible. Two different eras.

As it is, popularity isn't waining. If anything, the new film is gathering more interest in the others. Not sure when the last time 4 and 5 were released worldwide along with the original like this year.

This movie stands the test of time.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


I saw The Exorcist on the big screen back in 2002 and teens were laughing at it. Hell, they could play Three Guys One Hammer on the big screen and I'm sure there are teens that would laugh at that.

This is what U should have done, Barney:

Always remember...Don't be a sucker.


Haha, I actually saw something similar to that go down when I saw H20 in the theater.

Don't call it a comeback. I've been here for years.



Not at all worried about it. I'm a horror fan and I know what's good and this movie is good and I have a feeling most horror fans will be talking about it for ages. Hell it's over 30 years old and here we are talking about it! And this board is still somewhat active because of this great movie.

Nope, unconcerned about what younger audiences think of it. Those with taste will always love it no matter what.

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump


Frankenstein & Dracula or 30's are still popular & were talking films that our Grand-Parents weren't even old enough be in the theater on their first releases...

Always remember...Don't be a sucker.



It's gonna be good for its time, if not already. The fashions, and everything about it is dated. Good thing I saw it as a child before all the current stuff, or it would have a similar impact on me nowadays.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


I love the old Frankenstein & Dracula films, including the Hammer series...Not too many people do, especially at my age...

Always remember...Don't be a sucker.


I stated before that I saw it a few years ago in the theater and people were inappropriately laughing at it.

There's a video on YouTube of dumb teenagers reacting to it and theyre very annoying.


What do you mean the future of this film? It's a done deal. It was released in 1978. There is no future of this film. It's not like the film is going to disappear into oblivion. It was released, it made its mark. People still watch it and love it.

I'm Oddly Even, who the hell are you?


I don't think laughing during horror flicks like Halloween is anything new. I adored it since I first saw it. I remember having a completely different experience watching it at a screening in 1990 when I was at college. Even then people were laughing uproariously and making lewd comments at the characters on screen--a bit like Rocky Horror. PJ Soles drew the most laughter. In '78 people might have been more inclined to take it seriously, but Friday the 13th movies seemed to change that. I remember audiences being VERY loud in Friday movies, laughing at the dumb characters and applauding their demise. A lot of Millenials think Halloween is too "slow" because it takes its time building up the suspense, but I can think of no movie that captures the spirit of the holiday better.


It's just people are annoying at the movies anymore. Really ruins things.


They have a taped audience reaction from 1978 on YouTube and the people were jerks then too...


People were screaming in that video, Mem, weren't they? Cause the movie is scary.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


Personally I don't give a rat's ass about what some teenager thinks about...pretty much anything, much less film. Most people dread aging. I've enjoyed it because it has made me into less of a dumbass with no regard for society outside my peer group.

Recently I was at a screening for some new film and this group of 15 year olds walked in hooting and hollering, acting like they owned the place and were strutting around like they were ready to raise hell. I had not taken my sleeping pill the night before so I was not in the mood for their juvenile BS, and I took one look at them as they passed my aisle and said "You're not doing that s--- once the movie starts, so get it out of your system now." My boyfriend (yes, I'm gay) looked at me like "Dont..." but sure enough, those twats shut up for the rest of the film.

Teenagers' personalities are like pack animals and they're still forming. They have rights, but treat their opinions and attitudes as transient. They all grow up. I'm not even going to pretend I was any different. But since they're still developing and lack experience outside of mommy and daddy's home, their opinions on anything should be recognized as valid but not valuable.

I used to HATE films like Nosferatu and considered Halloween the most boring film in the franchise because of its pacing. Now I'm 31 and have grown to appreciate, even love, silent films and Nosferatu is one of my favorite horror films of all time. Same for Halloween, as it sits on a pedestal for me above all the sequels now.

These boisterous kids will not be boisterous kids forever and one day they'll grow to appreciate things they derided as youngsters if they have any sense of culture. There's a reason films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Metropolis still fascinate adults whose parents weren't even born when they were released. Look on forums and see how many people freak out over getting the exact color tinting and frame rates right for these 1920s silent films (the threads seriously have over 500 replies). Unless they're 100 years old, they grew to love them over time, and most likely not as high schoolers. Everyone (hopefully) grows up and learns to appreciate good art. Halloween's legacy will be no different.


Most teens wouldn't shut up cause someone told them to. You got lucky, Reck. Maybe you're imposing.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


I'm of normal build and all, but I think I just came off as extra aggressive because I do not sleep well without my meds and a night of no sleep turns me into the biggest bitch. Normally I do not get confrontational at all but when I haven't slept and I'm trying to enjoy a movie and you're coming in acting like an ass already before it even starts, I'm not gonna be happy. Had I slept the night before I doubt I'd have even said anything. They just chose a bad day to piss me off and probably weren't expecting someone to say anything so blunt.



I posted a similar message on "Jaws" board several years ago but the title of my message was "I am concerned about the new generation". I had come across reviews by young viewers who called it "boring". I am more scared of the new generation's taste in movies and music (among other things). A few years ago, my sister asked me to recommend to her a scary movie so I recommended Alien, which is the scarriest movie I know (the movie that scared me the more than any other movie did). She was in her late teens at the time. Later when I asked her if she liked it, she said "it was like a comedy". That was the first and the last time I recommended any movie to her. Since that time, I've not talked about movies with her and I am not going to. So, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Halloween or Alien (Halloween may have some flaws but overall, it stands the test of time as a classic and always will). On the other hand, there is definitely something wrong with the new generation. I think cell phones, texting and social media are killing their brains.


Yeah I went to a screening earlier tonight and people kept laughing at certain parts. I am kinda worried but not really all that matters is your opinion on a certain film.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
