Gawd Awful

This is one tough film to watch... And I love bad movies!
The Space Walk was SO DAMN FUNNY! And I love the fact their "Anti-Radiation Suits" have no gloves or helmets! At 99 minutes, this film felt like a mini series. This is like Santa Claus Conquers The Martians without snow.
A new low in low. The Italians should stick to Spaghetti Westerns... Leave the Sci-Fi to the Asians. (I'm Italian.. So I can rip on my own people!)

Trust me,


Just watched it on the 100 tales of Horror pack. Don't know what it has to do with horror other than watching this makes it one. Those damn sound effects hurt my ears lol. And that music that played throughout was so out of place. It looked like some of the actors were overplaying the movies silliness by their facial expressions and such. It was like a ripoff of Star Trek mixed with Star Wars with the crew and those silly guns and even lightsabers. This movie should be listed as the definition of a Z-Grade movie.


My friend and I, both longtime fans of B-movies, who regularly have competitions on who can find the worst movie have selected this as the worst non-porno movie we've ever seen.

1 star.


this thing gave me a headache

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


this wasn't that awful. come on I've seen worse.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Could you give me a few examples, because sheer morbid curiosity compels me to know what's significantly worse than this.


Indeed its so damn bad.
