My Review - I bought the DVD

I bought a bootleg DVD of this title online. It was basically a cheezy and low budget (scratch that, extremely cheezy and NO budget) made-for-tv movie about the events surrounding the crash of Eastern Airlines flt 401 in 1972. The acting was so bad it was laughable. There was a god aweful theme song that played thru the whole movie. Anyway inbetween all the sentimental mushy scenes there are scenes of inside airplanes where the ghost of Ernest B is seen on the wall and in microwaves (the microwave was the best as you can tell it's a still photo of Ernest taped to the glass). The uniforms the stewardesses are in look like clown suits.

The only thing good about this movie was the base story which was interesting.


You are an idiot probably born after 1990. This movie is awesome and beats the hell out of any paranormal movie going now. The creepy atmosphere is superb.

Cheezy? Not really. If you want cheezy, watch Paranormal Activity or any of it's sequels. The lamest supernatural films ever made. Get a clue.

ghost stories..WEIRD stories..
