Still really good!

Not amazing. Just take it for what it is!
Anyone agree?

Daniel Craig Is James Bond!!!
Tom Jane is The Punisher!!!


Loved Force 10 as a kid and unlike many movies and shows I used to watch, it still entertains. In fact, I still have my Navarone toy soldier playset! Just got the soundtrack from It sounds great!

It's spelled "Definitely."


I watched this film tonight for the first time. I really enjoyed it.


Can anybody name a film for me ?
This film was made in the late 1980's
I think. It was promoted as a ninja
and martial arts type film, but is basically
a British commando film. I think Ninja is
in the title. The plot has a singer
captured by commandos and taken to
a castle fortress in Eastern Europe.
British commando types go to the
rescue. There is a lot of slow motion
machine gun fire. I was reminded of
it, looking at these comments. Can
anybody help me ???
