Steve Marachuk as ROBERT

Seeing how this is one of my faves, I rewatched my dvd last night with the Kershner commentary. BUT, what was the most interesting was the commentary over the Photos option of the Special Features. The person (associated with the company who produced that version of the DVD) discussed the origins of the script dating back to John Carpenter's original EYES spec script to the final version. He discusses how the character of NEVILLE (TLJ) was extremely altered. Also, during further research - John Carpenter seemed to be annoyed by Jon Peters request to rewrite the lead character to better suit original star/Peters GF @ the time: Streisand. Also, in desperately searching for the unicorn that is EYES, i do know that Neville was not the original killer.

More interesting on the DVD Photo Commentary were mention of the following:

-the little person seen in the opening gallery scene proved much bigger in an earlier version of the script. The chracter served as one of several red herrings, he was pissed off @ Laura for using a photo of him that she swore would never be published. There is also mention of a scene where he sees this photo in a bookstore display window for her book & goes berserk, breaks the window & sits in it and only Det. Neville can get him to exit. Wonder if since this character is seen twice (also @ the Lulu/Michelle funeral) was footage filmed AND WHERE IS IT?

-This commentary also mentioned another character that was cut from the film - Robert. But, here on IMDB Robert is listed in the credits as played by Steve Marachuk. Having previously worked in casting, this has to mean that an actor was hired, scenes were shot but ultimately cut. The character of ROBERT was a stock broker and an ex-lover of Laura's who appeared in one of her photographs. Again, another red herring/suspect.


Okay, perhaps I'm not getting your point, but Marachuk was the guy who was told by the cops "my daddy can beat your daddy's ass." When his girlfriend said she might go overseas with Laura, Marachuk says, "The hell you will!" and then is dragged screaming from the mausoleum steps after she's killed.

