was hamlet right?

Are most of us afraid to commit suicide because we don't really know what comes after? Is suicide just another form of cowardice? What would any of us do in the main character's situation? Do we burn in hell for taking our own life even if our life is no longer worth living?

"Don't let a suitcase full of cheese be your big fork and spoon." ~~~Marie Barone.


The first two questions seem to contradict each other. The first one assumes we're cowards for living, the second one for dying.

The third question would probably generate a different answer from each respondent.

As for the fourth question, there's only one way to possibly find out -- yet ironically, once you find out (assuming you even do), you can't relay the answer to anyone else.



I thought the same thing...the first 2 questions form a contradiction.

Personally, and religion aside, I believe suicide to be a personal choice - nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't imply cowardice or bravery, necessarily. To assign either of those two values to all suicides in general is to assume that life has some value or worth aside from and above what each individual who lives assigns it or believes it to have. That, too (the value of life), is a personal choice or opinion.

IMHO, these personal assignations of the value of life are only relevant when determining the worth of your own life, or your opinions concerning the value of being alive yourself. Personal opinion ceases to matter when determining whether someone else's life has value. (The last statement may seem obvious, but I think some people assign the same sense of "wrong" to suicide as they do to murder. Personally, I believe it to be "wrong" to decide to end another's life, but I don't see why you shouldn't be "allowed" to cease to exist if you no longer wish to exist. For example, I don't understand why it's against the law to kill yourself if, indeed, it is against the law to do so - I don't know for sure if it is.).

"We are the beautiful and holy children of God"-Bill Hicks

"We're a virus with shoes"-Bill Hicks
