HELP?Ocean scene?

OK.All along I've thought this was a Chevy Chase scene. A guy is drowning in the middle of the ocean and bargaining with God for his life. He's yelling things like, "If You save me, I'll give you all of my $$ for the rest of my life!" He kinda changes his mind and as he nears shore, however, he reduces the percentage, etc. This goes on and on for a few minutes. It's a very obscure scene, I realize. But what movie is this in?? Is this "The End"??

Thanks so much in advance!

Sarah in KY.


That was Burt in this movie. Good stuff, but Woody Allen (for whom the part was apparently written) would have made it great.


Was Burt's part really originally written for Woody Allen? That would have made quite a different film -- not better or worse necessarily, but very different.


Exactly...a wise comment:

That would have made quite a different film -- not better or worse necessarily, but very different.

This one was good to its own way.


Indeed. It almost makes you see the character in a different light. Burt plays it for laughs, but Woody's performance would convey a much deeper anguish.


It's a vastly different style of movie but an early scene from Daniel Craig's film "Flashbacks Of A Fool" is similar.

Craig's life flashes back before him while he is floating in the ocean after swimming out with the intention (I believe) of suiciding by drowning, just like Burt's.

It's also filmed at a beach near LA.
