Some questions...

For those of you who can remember any of this film, could you please tell me:

- What is the inciting incident, plot point one, mid-point and plot point 2?

- At wat time does the mental patient join Reynolds on his quest to kill himself? What role does he play - what does he do to help?

- Could you list all the complications Reynolds has trying to kill himself, such as: he tries jumping from a wall, but the wall is too short.

- What lesson does he ultimately learn and how?

I know these are bizarre things to ask, but I can't get this movie on DVD in my country. I need the above information to help with a movie I'm currently writing.

Thanks if anyone can supply this info : )


Well it's been quite some years since I saw this movie (first release 1978) but I remember it pretty well.

At the start of the film Burt is told he has only a short time to live by his doctor. Burt doesn't take this news well. On the way out of the office he notices that the doctor has incorperated himself and Burt says, "Declared dead by a lousy corperation"

He trys confessing his sins to a young priest played by Robby Benson but that doesn't go well

Burt: Bless me father for I have sinned.

Priest: How have you sinned my Child?

Burt: I have sold realestate.

Priest: But that is not a sin.

Burt: I was the way I did it.

Burt tries taking to his ex-wife but that goes no where.

Burt: Remember you were the one who kicked me out.

Ex-wife: Yes. you and two hookers!

Burt: One mistake! One little mistake and you never let a guy forget! And I'll tell you something, out of respect for you the three of us never got on the bed.

But talks to his girl friend(Sally Fields) but she is more conserned about her cat than him.

Burt takes his 12 year old daughter minature golfing and tries to tell her that he is sick but he can't.

He tries to kill himself but fails, and is sent to a mental hospital where he meet mental patient (Don Delaweas). The two form a frienship and escape from the hospital on a quest for Burt to kill himself. but Burt hasn't the guts to do so.

But by creating his friendship with Don Burt realises that life can still have meaning. He doesn't want to die anymore. He want to live as long as he can on whatever terms life will offer. He tells Don this and the two friend confess their love for one another. But Don is still convinsed that Burt really wants to die and so he pulls out a large knife and chases Burt down the beach as he swings the knife back and forth.

The end


Cheers mate. You're a star!


by GordonReade Fri May 5 2006 06:49:50 ): "Well it's been quite some years since I saw this movie (first release 1978) but I remember it pretty well. (...) But talks to his girl friend(Sally Fields) but she is more conserned about her cat than him." Don't forget about him grabbing the "Hula-girl lamp" besdide her bed. Fascinating; you're the only one here to mention even one of Sally Field's two scenes in the movie... Pretty accutate after all these years.



Ye Gods! If you only saw this movie in 1978, you have got ONE HELL of a MEMORY!
Hats off, Mate!
Of course, it's a testament to how good and memorable this movie is!


Because the father, played by boyish Robby Benson, is so much younger than Burt Reynolds, he says "Forgive me DAVE for I have sinned." It's a whole lot funnier in the movie, especially with Robbie playing with his collar as Burt talks about his sins.


Although it`s 2010 now, its on HBO once in a while. Sure your comedy you is written is done be now, i hope. But the scene when talking to Robby Benson (priest) he confesses to cheating on his wife with about 200 women and Benson starts saying wow in amazement and blown away by how many women and thinks its cool. Scene ends with Benson amazed with how many women he has been with, Pretty much the only funny part of movie, so amazed the guy didnt mention that part when he mentioned preist scene? I hope your movie is no where close to this dud. Cant be any worse. As far Dom DeLuies (how his name is spelt) making the movie funny? He never made any movie any funny. So he sure didnt make this one funny, he sucks. Hope your movie better, shoudnt be to hard. I respect Reynolds for turning his career around with the early success and then the 80s came and pretty much every movie had that same story, fast car and same cast of of actors, including DeLuies. But has did some real good work since Boogie Nights (movie he didnt even want to do and also argued about every scene he did with director) shows maybe if he listened to directors in past more, he would have never had such a huge slump? Directed alot of those terrible movies he did. Shows if he had a director that he listened too, most importantly, (cause he obvious was terrible at it) in all those films, he would have told him a decade of same old actors and actresses in your movies is stupid move and that irritating ass ass laugh he did about 10 times a movie made people want to pull thier hair out! As he did in this movie also, even though dying. But was great in Boogie Nights and Mystery Alaska and no stupid ass laugh, thank god, but was great in those 2 movies and earlier movies, but this and most of 80s films and early 90`s? WOW?? What a disaster.


What a disaster.

Pretty much what I thought of that post, not to mention your complete lack of understanding of this movie and Burt Reynolds. ESL much?


By not understanding the movie, do you mean he embraces life and still dies months later? Ya that`s real hard to grasp and movie is so deep! Tryint to kill himself casue he is terminally ill, yet 1 thing? He still is gonna DIE! Ya real deep!? Had few funnt parts, but the fact you say complete lack of understanding and Burt Reynolds in the same sentence? Haaahaaa! THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN ONE OF THE FUNNIEST JOKES I HAVE EVER HEARD! Ya that guy is deep actor and reall yimmeres himself into character, too bad his movies up untill got morte laughs form the stupid bloppers at end of movie and yes that stupid ass laugh he does! Ya "lack of understanding" a Burt Reynolds movie? Now thats a comedy i would like to see! And i guess the fact he made it out of ocean (witch was really only funny part as he bargained with god) but he still was gonna die shortly, so NOTHING! changed, still would be heartbreak no matter what, i think your the one who didnt understand movie? He didnt walk off into the sunset and find a cure? He was still gonna die! Ya real deep, so much to grasp? Burt Reynolds and not "understanding movie" might be the stupidest comment i ever heard! I guess i ddint understand "Hooper" or "Smokey and the Bandit" and all the other stupid movies he did threw out 80`s! Ya real deep actor and takes real deep roles, and he directed also, what a deep actor and director. Will have to go over all those other movies, maybe were so deep i didnt get "Hooper"? Haaa! You shoud write a movie saying Burt was in a movie that people or mayeb just me didnt understand? Or "Tha Man from Left Field" maybe i didnt understand that piece of crap either, a movie on people not getting a Burt Reynolds movie becasue it was too deep? NOW THATS A COMEDY!!!


I don't mind answering a question, but damn, dude, do your own homework.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
