Tour de Force/Classic

I saw this movie for the first time tonight and was in total awe of how cool the character of "The Driver" was. I read the trivia and of the entire 90 minute movie, he only spoke 350 words. As a fan of the car chase, the chase scenes were realistic as well as absolutely incredible and the dialogue (esp. of "The Detective" played by Bruce Dern) was top notch. Easily one of my favorite films. The flavor on this film has no expiration the realm of storytelling, its timeless.

"How do we know you're that good?"
"Get in."


Yep i agree the driver is seriously cool, and the cop (Bruce Dern) entertaining, it needs the cop to be there otherwise there would be almost no dialogue!!


I love the way that this movie was first described to me - a car chase movie if Sergio Leone had directed it. Ultra-cool.
