Where is the money?

The new money was taken by the cop on the train (I think). Where is the old money? Did The Player make her own switch?





dude the first money was taken by the robbers...
and the second one is taken by the bad guys who played with us you know...
lol i would like to watch it once more
thats a cool film isnt it folks?


The original money that Ryan O' Neal brought to the station was taken by Bruce Dern on the train after he shot that guy. The other suitcase had no money in it; the guy who made the exchange was trying to rip O' Neal off.


Thank you. That is really helpful.


That was my assumption. The driver took TWO locker keys when he locked up the case from the bank job. I assumed he planted an empty case in the second locker and that the money the exchange man left was in another locker.


That's how it looked to me.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


The Driver and the Player were ripped off.


Just watched this again this evening.

**********SPOILERS BELOW*************

In the final act of the film:

The Player got two lockers/keys at the train station. She put the $200k from the robbery in one locker, leaves one empty. She now has 2 keys. She gives the key for the empty locker to Exchange Man at the sandwich counter. Exchange Man puts the clean money (exchanged 25 cents on the dollar for the 200k ) in the empty locker and takes the key with him. He then trades this key to The Player at the sandwich counter, she gives him the key for the locker with the $200k from the bank job. Exchange Man takes the 200k from the locker and gets on the train. Gold Plainclothesman sees this from the phone booth at the station and informs The Detective as to what happens. The Detective finds the case with the bank money on the train and kills the Exchange man after figuring out who he was.

Then when The Player returns to take the case of clean money from the remaining locker, her purse is stolen by The Kid at the train station. The Driver and The Player chase down The Kid to the warehouse. The Driver kills The Kid, gets the purse back with the key in it for the locker with the case of clean money. The Driver returns to the station, opens the locker and removes the case with the clean money in it. As The Driver looks in the case, The Detective shows up and takes the case from The Driver. When The Detective looks in the case he finds it empty as The Driver already knows this he says, "looks like we both got swindled". The Detective says, "looks like we both got ripped of by the Exchange Man."

The Detective recovered the money from the robbery but nobody gets the exchange/clean money, which should have been 50k, because it was never there. The Driver walks free, there is no evidence against him. The Detective held up his end of the deal he made with The Driver. He let The Driver go. And the Exchange Man ripped them off.


there is no evidence against him.

That's ok to say relative the specific crime. You still have dead bodies with a witness or two and other physical evidence (a murder weapon?)linking The Driver to really bad stuff.

The film is a mixed bag with a lot going for it and some not to smart plotlines going against it. This was a miss but it could have been a classic with a few key twists which add up.

I saw three dusters...inside the dusters were three men, inside the men were three bullets.


I feel that The Detective let The Driver go because it had become a game for them. More of a quest for The Detective, he wanted to catch The Driver red handed, doing his thing. The Detective just wasn't concerned about the bodies, who were crooks anyhow.


Isn't it possible that the 2nd locker actually had 50k in it, but the player got to it 1st and kept the money for herself. The driver gets ripped off either way, but maybe he got ripped off by the player and not the exchanger.


I suppose it could be possible, but that's not the way I see it. The Player's purse was stolen with the key in it for the locker with the clean money before she got the chance to open it.

It's a great movie, I've seen it many times. I didn't understand what happened with the money the first time I saw it.
