His mother was a jackal?

I have seen the first movie and I still don't understand how can his mother be a jackal?


Yes his mother is a Jackal.
There is mixed views to how this could have happened. It could be that Satan possessed the animal and impregnated it that way or perhaps came to earth and impregnanted a jackal. Damien was born from her and the APostles of anti christ (the priest and the nun who you see with the baby early on) took the baby, knowing it was the son of satan. It was all planned.
The books do tell a bit more than the films do. Might be an idea to get the books too... If I got any of this wrong please someone correct me...:)


The jackal has the reputation as an animal that 'feeds on the misfortunes of others'. It also was very likely chosen as a mockery to the Virgin birth.

The above poster is right. The jackal was captured & raped by the Devil.
In the novel, Spiletto talks of hearing 'the jackal screaming'.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Having just read the book I thought it was a shame that almost nothing was said about the dad. The screaming bit referred to only the birth...

"ah have always depended upon the strangeness of kindness..."


I think I should read the books...but in the meantime, do tell!

I'd be curious to hear about it.


So aside from his canine marrow cells, did Damien inherent anything else from his mother?
The ability to lick his own butt perhaps?
