The Thorne Fortune

Does anyone know, how wealthy, the Thorn family is in the film? That mansion, that is shown in the beginning of the film, indicates the Thorn family has to be extremely wealthy. Multimillionaire, or even billionaire? Just wondering.
The Thorn mansion rivals that of Blake Carrington on Dynasty, that's for sure!


Its never specified exactly in film nor novel that I saw.

The only vague 'mention' about the Thorn's wealth is in the novel:
Thorn is being harassed by a heckler in the crowd:

Heckler: "How much are YOU worth, Mr. Thorn? As much as Rockefeller?!"
(Thorn chuckles) "Nowhere near!"

So I believe Rockefeller was a billionaire, wasn't he? 
So long story short, I can only assume Thorn is a multimillionaire.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
