steering wheel

Why was the steering wheel on the wrong (right) side? Did they re-build it like that or was it originally made that way? I didn't catch why it came out like that in the movie. Just wondering.


Cruising Van Nuys Boulevard in the 70's was something of a thing to do. As it was obviously their intention to "wow" them on Van Nuys, and any other street they may cruise, so the driver could chat up the gals on the sidewalk more easily, the steering wheel (and everything else required for driving) was moved to the right hand side. In more than one article published back in the day, they stated this was the reason the decision was made to relocate it.

The steering was basically jury-rigged with a couple of sprockets and a drive chain from a Harley Davidson motorcycle. 45d1165192299-anyone-know-a-place-that-makes-correct-corvette-summer-h oods-steeroids-3.jpg


I guess that the price you have to pay to be cool must be a lot then. Thanks for the info.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies"


It's unique and kinda cool but hell for an American driver to get used to if it's a shifter.... Easy to parallel park though!

Don't count on hell ever running out of room


Hamil (Kenny) did it so he could ogle girls butts while he cruised the town.


Makes it kind of tough to pass safely on a two-lane road.
