On Netflix streaming

This movie is now available on Netflix streaming, under Starz Play. Not sure which version it is, as I haven't watched it yet, but it's listed at 102 minutes.


This is indeed the Uncut version which is cause for celebration. This was my first exposure to Monte Hellman's sultry saga of the sagebrush and I am more than thankful for the wealth of marginalized classics (The Great, The Good, And The Groan-worthy) being made available. With its maverick vision and keen awareness, Netflix is proving its true love for ALL of their customers (and of movies)in providing the widest scale of entertainment. They are single-handedly revising the passionate spirit of the "Z Channel" for the first "Streaming Generation" and all those who follow. It's great to see new film lovers finding a place to actually discover the world buried between the cracks of Hollywood's big name blockbusters. More and more, Netflix is making sure that there is always something good on TV.




has it been removed from netflix? I cant find it there anymore


Watch it for free on Youtube .... uploaded by OPENFLIX and a few others.

1:32:07 long

Better than nothing and is in one file.

