The Complete Footage.

Who would like to see a version of the movie/pilot of Buck Rogers done with ALL of the footage shot for it included in the film ? That way a complete version of the film would at last be available for all to see !

Anybody want a peanut ?

- Fezzik, " The Princess Bride " ( 1987 )


Yes and no. I first saw the pilot episode as it was broadcast on tv so it had the additional shots of Buck exploring his apartment - if i recall he lay on his bed with what looked like a hand dryer positioned over his head - and the shots at the end with Wilma and Dr Huer offering him a job in their service. But i think the movie works well on its own as originally released - and in the additional scenes (which were filmed after the movie) Gil Gerard's hair is clearly shorter and he looks a little bulkier so theres a lack of continuity in the pilot episode. Not bothered either way really but the extra scenes would have been nice as extras on the dvd set.
