rating question

Was there a video released with the new PG rating instead of the R version?


Is there really an R version?. Thats totally news to me.


I own the VHS and it says 'Home Video Version' on the back. I know sometimes they change music because of copyright issues, but I can't imagine that would be the case with 'The Brinks Job' since the music is all very old. It does look like there is a small amount of dubbing (at one point Peter Boyle seems to mouth something much meaner than what he says...) and Warren Oates does use the F-word; maybe it was edited for language to secure a PG. Just a guess.

I know who I am! I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


There is no difference between the R and PG rated versions. It was initially rated R and re-rated PG upon appeal. No cuts were made.
