I just got this movie on DVD, wow this movie was soo great! My favorite movie in the world is Platoon, but this movie might be a close second!, it was soo much better than Full Metal Jacket, which was also a great movie. I know this post doesnt say much, but i loved the Directing, and defintaly the location and cinematogrophy, though what was best was the acting of Stan Shaw, as SGT.Tyrone Washington, he was just amazing in the film, but anyways, i hope they release it in actual stores, i got mine off of, the qualite of my dvd is not great,sorta just average, but this movie really blew me away! Maybe we could petition or sumthing to get a company to put this dvd out in stores! well thnxs for readin this message! Semper FI! Carry on!



Yeah it looks like sumthin off of amc, picture isnt that good, but still worth a buy, i really hope they will clean up the picture, and realease it commericaly, soo i can buy a good copy of it


It is great filmbut after the 1970's you hardly ever hear about it. Ain't that somethin?

Not necessarily stoned but beautiful


Great Film. Being in the "Nam" from 11-66 to 11-67, one scene really stands out to me. I was a corpsman assigned to a "grunt" outfit.

The scene is were they are taking "vital" supplies to another base, and along the way they get into a firefight,and a mortar attack. After the firefight, and a couple KIA's,and a few wounded, they open

up the back of the 6by, and the "vital" supplies was booze for the officers club!! JUust another day in the NAM!!

Semper Fi Marines

Doc Dowler
