Bloodsucking Freaks II?

What ever happened to Bloodsucking Freaks II, a long while ago I saw it being showed as a project in the making but now it isn't on this sight. Maybe the project got scraped or something. I thought the idea was kind of cool, the grand children of Sardu discover what he did with his Torture shows.


check out maniac nurses... not sure but its is also known as 'Bloodsucking freaks II'...hope this helps

"Gran'pa was always tha best...."


I've heard about Maniac Nurses and that it's also called Maniac Nurses: Blood Sucking Freaks II but the other sequel I heard about was it had Sardu's great grand children discovering his white slavery act. I think it was going to be called Bloodsucking Freaks II: The School.


Yeh, I'd love to see Bloodsucking Freaks II: The School. Whatever happened to it? Anyone know?
