Would I like this movie...

Hey, I've been meaning to check this one out for a while, but I keep wondering if I should even bother as I hear it is pretty similar to Last House on the Left. Well, considering the fact that I am not a fan of Last House on the Left (or House on the Edge of the Park for that matter), should I still give this film a chance?


Late response, I know - but if you haven't already seen this movie by now I strongly suggest you do. This is a way better movie than both Last House and House on the Edge in terms of just about everything (script, direction, production values, acting ability). Just a bit of warning: HITCH-HIKE is by far the most mean-spirited and ugly of the three films.


Hess's characters are always the same in all three movies there's almost no depth except his is this maniac looking for easy victims. However, there is definitely more dialogue and back and forth battles that happens here vocally than in the other films. Also another thing that elevates the film Franco Nero character and his wife. Also unlike Last House on the Left, the victims in this case all have dark aspects to them including that (Spoilers) rape scene which seals the fate of many characters.

It's still over the top and at times very unrealistic but it's expected. It's entertaining. I think Last House is more mean spirited because the victims were young and naive here the adults should know better and yet still get themselves in bad situations and are more self-destructive. I also would have like to see Adam die differently or at least with more screen time begging for it to be over like in Last whereas here his death is rather abrupt and cheap.


I disagree completely. The reason I would consider LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT far less mean-spirited is because the victims are just that--victims! They're innocent and meant to be sympathized with. There's a moral compass to that film. There are identifiable, sympathetic characters and more importantly, a somewhat happy and inappropriately goofy ending, which really takes you out of the film. Also, I'd point out that the ending in LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT puts the audience at ease because the villains essentially get their "comeuppance" and "goodness" (whatever that means) prevails. This is the anti-thesis of a mean-spirited movie. HITCH-HIKE, however, is rife with irredeemable characters, including the victims, which makes it difficult to sympathize with anyone, giving the film a very cynical, nihilistic, and a possibly misanthropic edge. Moreoever, the film's end is very dark and shocking and it offers us nothing but hopelessness and despairity. HITCH-HIKE takes the cake.


Yeah I completely agree. The movie was great but the characters were definitely *beep* at one point or another through out the film. I personally thought the ending was an interesting twist.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means".
