Another example of....

...a movie with a handful of important stars that ought to be issued on DVD! :P



Just got a VHS copy of it


Yup...Warner Bros. should release it on a double-DVD with Irwin's other travesty, "The Swarm". Both 'Nemo' and 'Swarm' were releaseed in 1978. And Jose Ferrer was in BOTH.


As bad as it was, it was an oasis in the desert of 70's tv for a kid like me. There was next to nothing except Battlestar Galactica. Upon viewing as an adult I was obviously disappointed. However had it gone on maybe it would have gotten better after they got rid of the monotony of Professor Cunningham. Its a pity Irwin just didn't pull the Seaview out of mothballs and bring back the cast for a reunion instead, it might have gotten a new lease on life.


The problem with "Amazing Captain Nemo" was that instead of having the script deal more with Captain Nemo having to adjust to 1970's life and times, the movie became a cartoonish Good Guy vs. Bad Guy (or Good Sub vs. Bad Sub), inspired no doubt because of 'Star Wars'. I think as a continuing series Nemo would have worked better.

One of my sources told me the original storyline was much better and that indeed due to the popularity of "Star Wars" alot of last minute changes were made to the script so that you got underwater laser battles (in reality would not work), and the redundant 'Fire Delta Beam' scenes. And of course the robot/android Tor was an obvious rip-off of Darth Vader.


Even some of the corridors in one of the subs was made to look like the corridors of the prison section of the Death was obvious to a 10-y/o me at the time that they were capitalizing on the whole Star Wars sensation, along with the blaster beams, etc.

Still, not only was science fiction rare on TV back then, but we didn't even have cable, so we took what we could get.
