
I just watched this film on the Turner Classic Movie channel on DVR. The ending was truncated at the part right after the torture scene. If anyone can tell me what happened, I would be very grateful.


It went om with with them pulling the body of the husband out of the well to show the rope still around his neck, then narration said that after several years the villagers heard the two lover were executed. For me, I would have been ok with the love story but the reason and the stupidity of why, made me not feel much empathy for them she all but abandoned her kids as she tried to kill her and her son, he should have not been put in that situation. As for him he did not understand or cared what she was going through.


Same thing happened to me. I recorded it off TCM back in June and just watched it tonight.

It cut off with the part of them being hanged via narration and the cheating man's brother (I think?) was in the snow. It cut off before it faded out, so I don't know what else was shown or said.

Why weren't they executed right away? If that society could hang and beat a confession out of them, I would think they'd waste no time dishing out judgement.
