MovieChat Forums > The Paper Chase (1978) Discussion > This show would never brought to televis...

This show would never brought to television today.

In this age of reality TV with Hillbilly Hand Fishing, and Real Wives of Whatever, it's indicative that a intelligent, thought-provoking show like this would not even be brought to TV, let alone lasting a first season. We are in the Dark Ages of Television, my friends. Oh, there are pockets of class and culture here and there just as there was during the real Middle Ages. But I'm hopeful that another Renaissance is on the horizon.


You may never see this response, but I totally agree with you. And that was BEFORE I tried to watch "How to Get Away With Murder!"


I also agree, but television is undergoing a revolution as we speak that is for the better in some respects. I speak of the independent entities like AMC (Breaking Bad), FX (Sons of Anarchy), Netflix (House of Cards), etc., who have entered the programming fray and have contributed some very high quality shows that would never have seen the light of day back in the early 1980s because of their controversial nature and levels of violence. However, even today's high quality series don't have an intellectual edge, which reflects the USA's ever increasing illiteracy and stupidity. The biggest problem isn't with the television producers, but the lack of intellectual curiosity in America in general.



Since your o/p is now about years older, I would think that a character & plot driven drama series such as this could ideally be produced by either HBO, Netflix or maybe AMC. Back in the day even though it was critically acclaimed, it was hung out to dry because the networks never left it in a regular timeslot long enough to allow the series to develop organically and find it's true audience. If produced today the these same wise networks would probably kill it after the pilot aired. They just don't know how to manage "slow burners" like this.

Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)


I would bring it to TV as a series with a continuous story line between episodes.

I'm watching Season 1 on DVD and the individual episodes just do not hold up. They tried to cover too much in a single episode and there are noticeable editing and continuity flaws. It looks like they assembled some programs on the fly.


The first season was on CBS with the rest of the seasons being on Showtime


Interesting. I did not know this.


I remember when it came to Showtime and how happy my mom was for them bringing it back to TV even if it was on Showtime

