Tatoo gets kidnapped.

Does anyone remember the episode where Tattoo got kidnapped? What season? I think it was around 1979-80.

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don t have as many fans as us


Your memory serves you right! :) The episode was actually a special Sunday episode the network was trying in order to attract younger viewers. The episode was in Season 2, Ep23 which aired on May 6, 1979 and was called "Cornelius and Alphonse/The Choice" . Cornelius and Alphonse kidnap Tattoo. His captivity is similar to the book, The Ransom of Red Chief" where the kidnappers can't wait to give back the boy they kidnapped. The Choice is about 2 kids who come with the director of an orphanage (Juliet Mills) to pick their new set of parents. This episode also stars Regis Philbin as one of the potential parent couples.


Incidentally the sort story, The Ransom of Red Chief was originally written by the brilliant, O. Henry and was made into an excellent made for TV movie starring the late great Jack Elam.

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