Jenna's condo

So many things got washed out during the dream season and post dream season - we could discuss it forever.

Another big hole is Jenna's condo. Exactly when did she have time to sell it? She definitely still owned it in (dvd) season 8. She was there the morning of her wedding to Bobby.

She spent most of the rest of the season either in jail or at Southfork. Yet, when the post dream season began and Bobby kicked her to the curb, she has no place to live and is forced to buy an old house that's falling apart over in Braddock.

Why couldn't she go back to the condo? And if she did manage to sell it while behind bars, wouldn't she have enough to find a nicer place?

Maybe those legal bills to Scotty Demarest wiped her out.


I honestly don't know. Did she definitely own it or was she renting it? I do remember that house she moved into that had the bad pluming problem. Maybe they wanted the viewers to feel even more sorry for her moving from South Fork to that grubby house? Then Good ole Ray swoops in and saves the day. I sometimes miss the small details so I guess she could have sold it.

Maybe those legal bills to Scotty Demarest wiped her out.

I am sure the Ewing's paid all her legal fees. I remember JR saying he was going to get her the best. Obviously he had an ulterior motive. He wanted Jenna around to stop Bobby getting back with Pam.


Yeah, I don't think Jenna owned the condo. I think she was renting it. So when she went to jail, the owner rented it to someone else. When she was sprung from prison, Bobby took her in to Southfork. During the dream season (after Bobby's death), Jenna was still living at Southfork for a while.
