Into the West

I've already heard 'Into the West' being compared to this series -- both were great for their respective 'times', tho I think Centennial is great for its scope -- 200 years, from the late 1700's to 1978.

tho the 70's make up jobs tend to be a bit over the top to get us to believe 'aging'

on the plus side -- we got Chad Everett's sideburns. Those things should be in the Smithsonian! They WERE the 70's!



I drool at the possibilities of what "Into the West" could've been like if it'd had the time that Centennial had to develop its storyline.


Into the West was an epic disappointment.

They had the talent in a fantastic cast. But the storyline was abysmal. Not fully imagined at all.

Too many characters disappeared never to be heard from again. FROM THE MAIN FAMILY. What happened to their son that ran away after he helped build the railroad? What happened to Naomi? 

Don't f@ck with me fellas! This aint my first time at the rodeo.
