MovieChat Forums > Battlestar Galactica (1978) Discussion > Gun on Ice Planet Zero Reused Shots

Gun on Ice Planet Zero Reused Shots

We are finally getting around to watching our BSG DVDs that we bought a long time ago and we are watching them in order. We saw Gun on Ice Planet Zero last night, and I think this is where BSG started to devolve into parody. Don't get me wrong, I love the show, the the reuse of film is ridiculous here. I lost count of how many times the shot of the ships blowing up from the Pulsar were used. They used the same shot of the Viper pilots on their little transport ship taking them to the Vipers twice. And the same shot of a Cylon ship getting hit on the right side of the screen was used at least 5 times. And Starbuck's hair grew and was cut in the scene where he reprogrammed the computer.

I understand that this was an expensive show and didn't have the benefits of CGI. And I am a fan of this show. But Jiminy Christmas, the recycling and reuse of the same shots were ridiculous. I remember noticing this back in 1978 too. IMHO, this constant recycling and reuse caused this great show to devolve into a parody of itself.

Does anyone else agree?

Also, nobody seems too concerned about the ship that were hit. And for that matter, how could some ships have been destroyed when the Galactica is leading the fleet and would have been in front?


Yeah, the reuse of special effects shots has always been one of the biggest criticisms of the show. I guess it is what it is. Which is why I really enjoyed that fan re-edit of The Living Legend using CGI. The brief video clip gives fans a glimpse into this show's potential when the special effects are done properly. If you haven't seen it, the link is here;


Yes, this looks great with the CGI. And something I didn't notice until now - the Pegasus Viper pilots had horses on the helmets, different than the Galactica helmets.


The horse was Pegasus, but what the hell was on the Galactica pilots' helmets then?


Some Egyptian symbol?


A falcon. Symbol of Horus, the Egyptian god of the sun and sky.
