Peace and Bender

Am I the only one who thinks that Bender's look was inspired from Peace's? They look incredibly similar to me.



No I don't think so, but Peace rules!

I was like Emilio!


Despite the fact that this thread is ancient (almost four years old), having just seen my newly purchased edition of Wizards on DVD, the same thought occurred to me.

After not having seen Wizards in over a decade, seeing Peace again for the first time I was immediately reminded of Bender. And I for one am convinced the similarities are not coincidential. Their similarities are particularly evident in the relative shape of Peace's head (the top part anyways), his visor, and most prominently his single upright antennae on the top of his head.


I kinda noticed that too, first theres Vaughn Bodes Colbolt 60 and then theres Necron 99 who was probably inspired by Colbolt and now theres Bender who looks like a cross between Necron 99 and Homer Simpson.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one. For the last four years, I have thought myself mad.


I'm the guy who thinks that the familiar design of Garfield looks like 30's and up Felix the Cat. You aren't mad if you notice similarities between things as much as you may be able to observe things well plus look at Crow from MST3K and he has eyes kinda like Necrons. Geez, Vaughn Bode really did influenced us a bit (the man who drew Cobalt 60) and with our country in such uncreative times right now and our kids wanting to draw like mainstream Japanese artists we probably could use someone like him, someone with actual originality and not "inspired by the works of bla bla bla" which these days "inspired" is pretty much a nicer way of saying "rip-off", I really need to make a rant video.
