It's a dull one...

...maybe I should have done more research, I was expecting this to be a horror film for some reason, but it's not though. I gave it a chance anyway though its just kind of long, in a short 91 minute long kind of way, I watched over half of it and then started skipping through the sexy scenes to see if anything would happen. About the only good thing this has going for it is half the cast are naked a lot, and the other half are only in it for about 5 minutes, but it's still helladull


I thought it wasn't too bad. It was slow but there was a decent enough story for this genre.
In the extras of the DVD i had the director says(with admirable honesty) that they were just trying to make "sexy" film and I think they succeeded.

I thought it was interesting that the supposedly uncivilsied gypsy girl really fell for the woman she was staying with but the woman wanted to sleep around with as many as possible.

You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill
