Baryshnikov's Character?

I was thinking of trying to find a copy of this for my mother since she's a huge Baryshnikov fan.

My question is: how much is he actually in it? Do we see him dance more than one scene? And is his character a jerk or does he end up being a nice guy in the end?


he got an oscar nimination. Lots of dancing and a few lines, i think.
"Charming company you keep."


his character isn't that big and he has very little acting in it (so to me the oscar nomination was completly undeserved). however I assume your mother likes him because of the dancing and than she's gonna like it because he is doing it a lot in it (there are several sequences where nothing else happens for minutes actually).


they probably counted his dancing as "acting." LOL

his acting anyone could've done.

his dancing, though, was definitely proof he's a talented ballerino.


Erm, most of the Don Quixote pas de deux, a Le Corsaire solo which brought the house down, the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet (MacMillan's), a chunk of Giselle Act II (although I think the movie "Dancers" has more of it), a bit of the Sleeping Beauty pas de deux (with Antoinette Sibley) ... my memory's giving up at this point.
