exellent score

there is an exellent score by stelvio cipriani. I love the one called: too risky a day for a reggatta. i've even got a keyboard that you can set to many instruments. I try to do this theme on harpsichord.(this is an instrument used in the score)


Yeah, I always loved that piece as well, despite the fact that it was basically a sped up version of something he did for a previous film (I forget the title).

It was also re-used in BEAKS THE MOVIE, at least on the version BCI released on DVD (Birds of Prey)


I never saw this movie until tonight, on the TMC channel, and all during the time I was watching it (laughing, most of the time), the ONE thing I kept thinking was, "the movie sucks, but WOW the soundtrack is really cool." There are a lot of 60s & 70s Italian movies that I find I have an appreciation for their soundtracks (for example, like Dario Argento movies with soundtracks by the band Goblin), and I also LOVE Sergio Leone movies & all the soundtracks by Ennio Morricone (I have a really cool boxed set of almost all his work). I feel a little embarrassed saying so, but I'm also big Burt Bacharach fan...LOL...and this movie's soundtrack was very dynamic, and reminded me a lot of Bacharach's style. Do you have the soundtrack for this movie? Is it even still available, if it ever was to begin with? I'd love to get it on CD.

"Questions are a danger to you, and a burden to others." -Mr. Krabs


i like the piece during the boat race


What drugs were you on when you listened to this? I WANT some! During the scene at the rigatta, it didn't bother you how the silly, inappropriate, caliope-like theme was repeatedly drowned out by the lower register brass??? ( Tuba, Baritone, Baritone sax, trombone) ad nauseum? The so-called "suspense" music as the Octopuss menaced "FatBoy" et al in the lagoon? Oh it was suspense music alright---- the type found in spy films and detective movies!!! And let us nor forget that "Love Unlimited Orchestra" theme playing as the townspeople mourned when the boat brought the bodies in. All your taste is in your mouth!


Sorry but one of the things that always keeps me from really loving Italian horror movies is usually the soundtrack music. It's always this awful rock music sounding crap that never seems to match the so called "horror" occuring on the screen.


Well bronxie, these folks LOVED it! Well we now know exactly WHO is buying those Boxcar Willie and Harmonicats c.d.s!!!


mmmm... I think you're the ones alone in the corner...


Man this movies "score" was ear grating to say the least. It was just plain...sorry sounding.

"No business born ,insecure,rat soup eatin' mutha@#$&a!!!!"


Oh man, I came here to mention what 5hit the score was, and I actually see people saying they liked it. Are you 4cking kidding me??? Lol

I kept thinking I was watching a cheap Italian zombie film. And most irritating, I think those little harpsichord diddies. "Binininit!"

What crap!


Well, I mean it's not Woijeich Kilar or Elliot Goldenthal.


The score is brilliant. A true classic.
