Good Star Wars Edits

While we know all about the bad edits, what about the good ones?

What does everyone think, what changes did Lucas make that were good, that added to the movies in a positive way?


The Death Star explosions looked better. At the beginning of ANH, C3PO and R2's hurried dash across the laser filled hall looked better.

Damion Crowley
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you.--R.E.



Nothing. "Star Wars" was a movie made in 1977 and should be kept as it was.

The Death Star explosion was fine the way it was. And the Jabba scene is pointless -- it doesn't add anything, it's kinda stupid, and it breaks the flow of the escape from Mos Eisley.

You buy egg roll!


I like the replacement x-wing sequences(the original yavin take-off shot was a particularly bad one) and the tweaked speeder shots (cleaned up). those were ones that were necessary for a good viewing, they don't alter any characters, dialogue or important plot points.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"
