

You realize that this movie was made before the internet was around, right?



The history of the Internet Protocol starts with a research paper published by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn in May 1974 called “A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication.” The paper describes a Transmission Control Program (TCP), which enables the transmission of a data stream between processes beyond network boundaries. The first complete protocol specification follows with RFC 675 in December 1974. At this point, TCP specifies both, host-to-host and proces-to-process network communication. A separation of the network format into the Internetwork Packet Format and the Transmission Control Block gives an indication of two different layers. The internetwork packet format reserves 2 bits for the header format and 4 bits for the protocol version number.


All I meant is that the internet wasn't used by most people at the time this film was made! It wasn't something most people had in their homes til the late 90s! Sure it was maybe used by scientists but it wasn't something most people used! Your response is so damn annoying!


Yeah but your reply wasnt particularly inspiring or helpful in any way , after all the film isnt set in 1977.

and comments in the format "You realise { x y z } , right? " are a little passive aggressive and ripe for fact checking.


Fair enough. All I was meaning is that most people in 1977 didn't know what the internet was. I admit I mainly didn't like this topic as it's someone looking at this from a modern perspective instead of when it came out. Nobody in 1977 would think what the TC said. Wifi/bluetooth was not invented in 1977.


Copying large files is much easier by some memory card.


Seems kind of odd that Leia had to transfer date to him through a card/disk.

It's right there in the opening dialog

The Death Star plans are not in the main computer.

Where are those transmissions you intercepted?
What have you done with those plans?

We intercepted no transmissions.

1. Wireless transmissions did exist. Vader believed they intercepted them.
2. The plans are not in the main computer. They had them on card/disk for security and secrecy and portability.


Wireless transmissions were likely by radio waves though, with large antennas and requiring high power to transmit.

Bluetooth and wifi are much newer and lower power and local.

Of course, this movie took place long ago, in a distant galaxy. Who knows what tech they had similar to ours, or different.
