MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Will i liked the rest of the series if i...

Will i liked the rest of the series if i didnt like this one?

years ago i watched one of the star wars movies all i remember was some small kid flying around on some planes, and i fell asleep. lol

this time i started with ep4, i love older movies so i thought i would like it. but i i fell asleep right after they rescued the princess, and woke up when they were getting rewarded. lol

i usually only fall asleep in movies where i dont like the characters. i didnt really connect with the characters in this movie. this kid loses the people that raised him and doesnt bat an eyelash.

is there anyone here that didnt like ep4 but went on to like the other movies?


Yes, I watched Star Wars as a kid and was bored by it, watched Empire Strikes back ,and it was way better.
I watched Return of the Jedi First, I watched them backwards the first time I watched them.


If you think he didn't bat an eyelash after his aunt and uncle were killed you weren't paying attention.


He was sleepy.
