my journey to seeing shock waves is an odd one
it started way back, when i was like 13 or 14 and saw the old Peter Cushing 'Tales from the Crypt' (72 or 73 i believe) on tv and i liked it alot, but i could never find it to rent, until one day i did find it, and we put it in and before the movie there were two trailers, one was shock waves and the other was dominique is dead. the shock waves trailer stuck with me so much i had to see it no matter what. so i got online to see if i could find it on dvd, and to my suprise, it had come out on dvd several months to my finding it, and so i bought it and loved it, and still regard its trailer as one of the best horror film trailers ever made, and the movie is pretty cool too, i really like the premise


I use to see this movie at the video store when I was 8-9 years old... I loved the cover and could only rent it when sleeping at my friend's house but we never did as we were too scared...

I'm now 32, finally got my hands on a copy and will be watching it tonight...for the 1st time... I know it will be cheesy but I just have got to see it

"Est-ce que tu te rend compte que tu m'a traiter de tete de cul? !!!"


just seen it for the first time ever,amazing !! not cheesy either-superb loaction,actors and zombies!!


I saw it for the first time in 1978 on the late late late show. My wife was so scared she made me turn it off. (We were raised in a different era). 10 years ago I found the movie on VHS and bought it. I have since obtained the dvd. It has become one of my favorites. Having been raised on the "Universal" monsters, this movie just happened to fit my liking. I love the claustrophobic premise. The scenes where the zombies rise out of the water are my favorites. Again...."I saw it in the day and it was oh so effective.!"


It does have a great atmosphere.
