Conection to Woody Allen?

Bergman itself resembles Woody Allen as both are quite psychoanalytical/existential. However it was a surprise to me to see Serpent's Egg and realize that the initial credits, the music and the producer (didn't Dino De Laurentiis produce a bunch of Allen's films?). Those elements were very like Woody Allen's films! Anyone has a clue if there was a direct influence, such as the producer envolved? Thanks!


I had the same thought about the opening credits as I watched them, the music, the look, the juxtaposing of the happy music with sad crowd...I feel like Bergman has probably been an influence on Woody, this almost seemed like a reverse tribute.


throughout allen's career, he's been very vocal that bergman is perhaps his biggest influence.


Well, it´s 1920´s music playing over the credits and the film takes place in the 1920´s... Also, I don´t think it was quite the same font and Mr Stiffy never uses scrolling credits the way Bergman does here.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Not really but Woody did HIS Nazi era Bergmanesque movie - Shadows and Fog. Its almost as bad as Serpent's Egg.
