Looking for a cheap copy?

If you have a Family Dollar chain near you, then you might want to look through their selection of DVDs. Brentwood has started putting out super-cheap versions of what they usually charge $10 for. I've picked up "36 Crazy Fists" and "Blood of the Dragon". The only problem is that it's a definite VHS-to-DVD transfer, and the dubbing is horrendous (although that's not always a problem). They don't have a regular DVD case, but are in sort of a cardboard envelope.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Got mine in the Walmrt $5.50 bin. 3 on a DVD Jackie's Chan Triple Punch it has The Young Master, operation fantasy force, and 36 crazy fists.


i doubt you are looking for the original chinese version

if you want a garbage english dub version just watch it on youtube, i just came from youtube and the full crap film is on there
