I may be a little old...

im 14, and I sit around with my 5 year old brother watching this...(except im the one to pick it out)
I used to watch this when I was much younger, but the whole concept of the movie is so quiet eerie when you think about it, but its great. The songs are the best too, haha. They really arnt those little dinkey cartoon songs that movies usually throw in, they have a deeper meaning- more touching. You can just relate. Ahhh I just love this movie.


Totally agree. This is the first movie I ever saw in theaters, I was 5 when it came out in 1977, and I hadn't seen it until my wife and I bought this recently, so I hadn't seen it since, so you can imagine it was pretty bizarre watching it again after so long.

Did you know the director Richard Williams disowned the film for the controvery surrounding it? There was a big controversy concerning drug references, for example, the camel's scenes, and some other issues as well.

That's why 20th Century Fox never released it on DVD in the USA.



I must say that I enjoyed the movie too, though it does have some very odd scenes. It's eerily creepy in places and yet so fun and light in others. It's a good movie.
