Help needed

Can someone please tell me how these movie goes? I last saw it like 13 years ago, and I can't remember what happened in most parts. Here's what I remember:
-Live action sequence. No idea what it was about.
-Raggedy Andy sings a song...
-Babbette gets kidnapped by the pirates... somehow they exit the house?
-No idea. I guess they find the camel at some point.
-The part with the big candy monster. This was my favorite part as a kid, so it's the one I remember the most.
-No idea.
-Do they find that crazy knight here?
-No idea.
-Something about a king.
-No idea.
-They find the pirates (How did they get here!!!!) but Babbette is their leader now.
-The monster tickle scene and the king swelling up.

So... anyone can/want to help me? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaseeeeee??????


The King expands, filling the sky, the parrot flies up into him at a rapid speed, causing him to explode - warp hole - and all the main characters end up back in the yard outside the house and everything ends nicely (but you never see the Captain's pirate crew - guessing they didn't survive the explosion?)


Well, the captain's crew just appeared when the ship was outside the glass ball, so I guess it's Ok...

One more question: how do they find the camel? And how do they get into the candy sea?

Once again, thank you.


They stumble upon the Camel while wandering through the woods. After he gives a little song and dance, they decide to mount this broken piece of camel, as he takes them along, he begins to hallucinate and chases after his "vision" (other camels singing and dancing) and runs straight into a giant hole wherein lies the libidinous glob of taffy.


I remember when this was shown on the Disney channel a long, long time ago. Though I never did figure how it all tied together. I remembered The Greedy, not much after that, except it seemed the child who had the Raggedy Ann and Andy toys found the pirate ship in a small puddle and picked it up. What made it hard for me to figure was how it all tied together plotwise-even after that analysis, I'm still at a loss.

A-ha-ha-ha, you're really weird!-Willy Wonka
