Most Disturbing Moment?

What was the most disturbing moment to you in this film?

1) The Greedy Pit
2) Looney Land
3) The Camel's halluncinations

Or any other moments in this movie? For me, even though I have not seen the entire movie and I have just recently looked at this movie, I have to say the Greedy Pit scene. I mean, the way that he just twists his body in so many distorted ways and that he threatened to eat Raggedy Ann because she had a candy heart was a bit disturbing. Also, the scene where they first meet the knight guy from Looney Land and just the creepy circus music playing during that scene creeped me out a bit. What's your disturbing moment in this film?


I'd have to say the scene immediately following "-the Last Laugh!"

Not much else disturbed me...well, maybe the glowing eyes in one of the first songs, lol.




I enjoyed this movie, but I think it was a little sick in the Greedy scene where it looked like he had breasts, and secondly when Raggedy Ann's feet landed on Raggedy Andy's testes.


I used to watch this movie all the time when I was a kid, and I have to say the same scenes that disturbed the OP disturbed me as well.

I've never had an acid trip before, but I imagine this movie is a lot like one.

Or at least a dream.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



I just saw this for the first time today, and I found the Greedy scene most disturbing. I kind of liked the scene with the Loony Knight. I thought he was funny. Alan Sues did a great job.

Johnny Carson 1925-2005. We will never forget you.


i find it so interesting that here on imdb and on youtube people found the greedy pit to be disturbing because for me as a child i loved that part -i loved seeing all the candy and him describing all the candy. i didnt look at it any other way. its just interesting to see different perspectives on things.


This movie always scared the bejesus out of me as a kid. I had a tape of it and everytime someone put it on I hated it.

What disturbed me most was the camel's hallucinations. My grandmomther had dementia at the time and his speaking and confusion reminded me way too much of her.


Greedy pit, absolutely...the way it just keeps going and never stops morphing. My friend is old enough to remember seeing it in a theater in widescreen and said that mom's were dragging their kids out because they were seasick from watching it, ha ha.

OK, but the black and white "Looney Land" sequence where they're flying around the stairs and stuff is pretty dang disturbing, but not in a disgusting way.

This movie is definitely one of a kind, ha ha...

Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!


I don't mean to shoot any of you down, but I think to call this movie "disturbing" is an exaggeration. I say this because I first saw this on basic cable back when I was about 8 or 9, and at that age I was disturbed by MANY things. But I was never disturbed by RAGGEDY ANN & ANDY.

Scared, yes. But that's not a bad thing. Imagine you're at a carnival and go for a ride in the funhouse. It's really dark in there and you can barely see a thing. Suddenly, all the lights click on and a papier-maché skeleton jumps out from a coffin at you and shrieks "EEHEEHEEHOOHOOHOO!" It's scary, but it's also so funny that within seconds you're giggling about it. That's what this movie is like for me.

What DOES bother me, though, are the constant attempts by people to claim this movie and others like it as "head films." That's an insult to the imaginations of the creators. People like to remember the Seventies as a chaotic and degenerate time. Well, they weren't. They were actually more straightlaced than our own era, at least where family entertainment was concerned. And RAGGEDY ANN & ANDY is unquestionably a family film.


If, however, by "disturbed" you all mean "made to feel sad or troubled," then yes, there are scenes that disturb me. So many of the denizens of the "Deep, Deep Woods" seem to have emotional problems.

The Camel, for one. He's chasing after something that doesn't exist - something he feels he cannot possibly live without. And the Greedy, too. He may ostensibly be a villain, but he's also cursed to be forever insatiable, which is not something to be envied. The Loony Knight seems lonely and desperate to share his jokes with everyone he meets; there actually are people like that in our world, and they're not much fun to be around. But the character I always felt the most sorry for was King Koo-Koo. He clearly hates his body and feels that he is a failure. I actually almost cried when he got "popped" at the end, because I assumed he had been killed.


Just the Greedy for me. And not because he twists or contorts so much (because he has to be able to move like the candy he is made of), or because he threatens to eat Ann's heart (cannibalism, or in this case, candybalism, is villainistic at best).

It's for the fact that I can't clearly define what gender he is or wants to be. He sounds like a man but dresses up a bit like a woman. And to boot he can shift his appearance to either gender.


Whoever said:

I enjoyed this movie, but I think it was a little sick in the Greedy scene where it looked like he had breasts, and secondly when Raggedy Ann's feet landed on Raggedy Andy's testes.


You just pushed my brain into a bad gutter and made my night. Never put this kind of stuffing into the head of a Raggedy fanatic who knows they're not related!!!!
