Some new thoughts on the film

There really is something magical about the music from this movie. I'm sure some of it is the coloring of memory, after all, this is the first movie I ever saw when I was five, but even when I listen quite objectively as I am able, there's a beauty and magic (no other word fits), in the music.

The music is so ethereal, and lilting, like a dream... haunting really, and what I mean by the archetypes... okay so you've got these worlds involved.

1. The living world of Marcella
2. The living world of the dolls
3. The Oz like world which is still the living world of the dolls
4. The spiritual realm of the camels
5. The snowglobe world of the captain and the greedy
(The greedy really represents humanity's futile search for fullfillment through consumption)
6. The king's world of the ego who keeps the captain a prisoner
7. The underworld, Cthulhulian overlord underwater who represents unformed, unknowns... the depths of the subconscious...

The movie really is layered and deeper than I thought.

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